;***************************************************************************************************************** ; Language file for Dipiscan v2.7.4 ;***************************************************************************************************************** ; What you need to know before you start: ; - this is the name of the file which will be used in the "Options>Language" menu to designate the language. ; - the "Culture" entry (present in line 21 in principle) must contain the international code of the language (out ; of 2 characters, e.g.: French=fr, English=en), this value will be used for formatting dates/times in particular. ; - lines starting with the sign ";" are comments, there is no need to translate them. ; - only the part located to the right of the (first) "=" sign must be translated. ; - for very long texts, there is a multiline syntax: follow the "=" with opening double brackets "[[" for start ; the text which can be composed of as many lines as necessary. Carriage returns will be retained, including for ; empty lines. Finally, end the last line of text with closing double brackets "]]". ; - the "{n}" (where n is an integer) present in certain texts are values inserted at the time of display, do not ; not delete them. ; - the "§" sign can be used to replace a carriage return. ; - the "&" sign can be used to specify the keyboard shortcut key applicable to menus or graphical components. ; For example, mnuFichier=&File will open said menu by pressing ALT+F. ; - I don't think I've forgotten anything... if you feel like it, it's up to you to play now! ;***************************************************************************************************************** Culture=en btnAjouter=Add... btnModifier=Modify... btnSupprimer=Remove btnFermer=Close lblFiltre=Filter lblLibellé=Label colAdaptateurRéseau=Network adapter colAdresseIP=IP address colAdresseMAC=MAC address colCommentaire=Comment colDescription=Description colDomaine=Domain colNomDns=DNS name colNomNetbios=NetBIOS name colOS=OS colPartages=Shares colPasDeRéponseDepuis=No replies since colRéponse=Reply colServeur=Server colUtilisateur=User MSG_ADRESSE_DEBUT_ERRONÉE=The value entered in the start address is not an admissible IPv4 address. MSG_ADRESSE_ERRONÉE=The value entered in the start address is not an IPv4 address nor a CIDR (IPv4 address accompanied by a mask, ex.: MSG_ADRESSE_FIN_ERRONÉE=The value entered in the end address is not an admissible IPv4 address. MSG_ADRESSE_FIN_INFÉRIEURE=The end address can not be higher than the start address. MSG_ANALYSE_TIMEOUT=The analysis of one or more addresses has exceeded the timeout defined in the application settings. Some information may be incomplete or missing. The relevant addresses are represented in red. MSG_ARGUMENTS_IGNORÉS=The following arguments are not recognized and will be ignored: MSG_AUCUNE_INTERFACE=No properly configured network interface found... check the configuration of your system. MSG_CHAMP_ADRESSE_REPLI_ERRONÉ=The field FALLBACK ADDRESS contains a wrong value. MSG_CHAMP_CLÉ_ERRONÉ=The field KEY must start with an expected value (ex.: HKLM, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, etc.). MSG_CHAMP_COMMANDE_NON_RENSEIGNÉ=The field COMMAND must be set if the field NAME does not mean a separator. MSG_CHAMP_COMMANDE_RENSEIGNÉ=The field COMMAND must be empty when the field NAME designates a separator. MSG_CHAMP_ID_COLONNE_ERRONÉ=The field ID must be set and start with character "_". MSG_CHAMP_ID_FABRICANT_ERRONÉ=The field ID must consist of 6 hexadecimal characters. MSG_CHAMP_MAC_ERRONÉ=The field MAC ADDRESS must consist of 6 hexadecimal character pairs separated by a "-" or ":". MSG_CHAMP_MASQUE_ERRONÉ=The field MASK contains a wrong value. MSG_CHAMP_NOM_ERRONÉ=The field NAME can not contain the character "-" as submenu name, this character is reserved for declaring a separator. MSG_CHAMP_OID_ERRONÉ=The field OID does not comply with the expected format (ex .: MSG_CHAMP_MOT_DE_PASSE_ERRONÉ=The PASSWORD field cannot be specified if the USER field is empty. MSG_CHAMP_URL_ERRONÉ=The field URL must start with "http://" or "https://". MSG_COLONNE_ASSOCIÉE_NON_RENSEIGNÉE=The value of the column "{0}" has not been saved, because it's linked to that of the column "{1}" which is not filled. MSG_COLONNE_EXISTANTE=A column with this ID already exists. MSG_CONF_AD_TEST_KO=An error was encountered when connecting to the Active Directory, check the setting. MSG_CONF_AD_TEST_OK=Connection seems to be OK. MSG_CONF_DÉFINIR_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_ADRESSE_MAC=One or more custom columns are declared as linked to the MAC Address column.§§Consequently a method of retrieving the MAC address must be selected. MSG_CONF_REINIT_COLONNES_PERSONNALISÉES=The presence of custom columns added by user has been detected. Do you want to keep them?§§If so, they will be disabled. MSG_CONF_REINIT_COMMANDES_PERSONNALISÉES=The presence of custom commands added by the user has been detected. Do you want to keep them?§§If so, they will be placed at the end of list. MSG_DEMANDE_ANNULATION=Reboot/shutdown cancellation request sent to {0} MSG_DEMANDE_EXTINCTION=Shutdown request sent to {0} MSG_DEMANDE_FERMETURE_SESSION=Logoff request sent to {0} MSG_DEMANDE_REDÉMARRAGE=Reboot request sent to {0} MSG_DEMANDE_REJETÉE=Request denied : {0} MSG_DEMANDE_VEILLE_PROLONGÉE=Hibernation request sent to {0} MSG_DEMANDE_VERROUILLAGE_SESSION=Session lock request sent to {0} MSG_DEMANDE_WOL=Wake request sent to {0} (port {1}) for {2} MSG_DEMANDE_WOW=Wake request sent via Internet to {0} (port {1}), {2} MSG_ENTRÉE_EXISTANTE=An entry already exists on this reference. MSG_ERREUR_RENCONTRÉE_DÉMARRAGE_REMPLACEMENT_FICHIER=An error was encountered when replacing a file at startup: {0} MSG_ERREUR_ANALYSE_NETBIOS=An error ({0}) was encountered during the NetBIOS analysis of {1}. MSG_ERREUR_WOW=An error was encountered when trying to wake via the Internet: {0} MSG_ERREUR_PARAMÈTRES_EXÉCUTION_COMMANDE_PERSONNALISÉE=The requested custom command refers to one or more parameters which could not be replaced (for the address {0}): {1}§§Do you want to execute it anyway? MSG_EXPORT_EFFECTUÉ_AVEC_SUCCÈS=Export successfully completed. MSG_FABRICANT_INCONNU=Manufacturer of at least one network adapter encountered in the analysis could not be identified. First, you can try to perform the update of the list of manufacturers. If the manufacturer is still unknown afet that then you can add it to the personal list (window "List of network adapter manufacturers..." from menu "Tools").§§Would you like to download an update of the list of manufacturers? MSG_FICHIER_NON_TROUVÉ=The specified file was not found. MSG_FICHIER_VIDE=The specified file is empty. MSG_FORMAT_ERRONÉ=Format error encountered at line {0}: {1}. MSG_IMPOSSIBLE_ATTEINDRE_CIBLE=Target unreachable. MSG_IMPOSSIBLE_RÉSOUDRE_NOM_CIBLE=Unable to resolve the name of the target. MSG_IMPOSSIBLE_TROUVER_EMPLACEMENT=The location where the data needed to operate the tool can not be determined. MSG_LISTE_VIDE=Uh... do you want my glasses? The list is empty! ;-) MSG_MASQUE_AVEC_IP_ERRONÉ=The value of the mask specified with IP address is wrong. MSG_MASQUE_ERRONÉ=The value of the mask is wrong. MSG_MASQUE_FAIBLE=The number of addresses to analyze going to be very important because of the low value of the mask...§§Do you confirm this operation? MSG_PARC_ENTRÉE_EXISTANTE=One or more entries are already present in the existing list under that reference. Would you like to update?§§If answering [No], new entries will simply be added... MSG_PARC_NON_ENREGISTRÉ=The latest changes to the "Fleet tracking" list were not recorded.§§Do you confirm this operation? MSG_PARC_NON_ENREGISTRÉ_CONFIG=The latest changes to the "Fleet tracking" list were not recorded.§§If you disable/remove columns, the information they contain will be lost.§§Do you confirm this operation? MSG_PARTAGES_DÉSACTIVÉS=You have disabled the discovery of shares that is incompatible with the current display mode. Please select a different display mode from the list. MSG_PARTAGES_DÉSACTIVÉS2=Discovery of shares is currently disabled (see Setup window), you can't therefore select this display mode. MSG_SPÉCIFIER_ADRESSE=Please first enter an address or a hostname! MSG_SPÉCIFIER_FICHIER=Please first load a file by selecting it in the list or via the [...] button! MSG_SPÉCIFIER_PLAGE=Please first enter an address range or select an item in the list! MSG_TÉLÉCHARGEMENT_KO=The download has failed: {0} MSG_TÉLÉCHARGEMENT_OK=The download has been completed successfully. MSG_TÉLÉCHARGER_FICHIER_OUI=The file "{0}", which identifies the name of the network adapter manufacturer from MAC address, was not found.§§Would you like to download it? MSG_TENTATIVE_ENVOI_MESSAGE=Trying to send a message to {0} MSG_TEXTE_NON_TROUVÉ=The specified text was not found. MSG_TRAITEMENT_ARRÊTÉ=Operation stopped on user's request. MSG_TRAITEMENT_EN_COURS=A job is in progress. MSG_TRAITEMENT_TERMINÉ=Operation finished. MSG_VALEUR_ERRONÉE=The value must be an IP address, a range or a hostname TXT_ANALYSE_ADRESSE=Analyzing address {0} TXT_ANALYSE_DÉBUT=Start analysis: TXT_ANALYSE_DURÉE=Time analysis: TXT_ANALYSE_FIN=End analysis: TXT_ARRÊTER=Stop TXT_ASTUCE=Tip #{0}/{1} TXT_ASTUCE_01="Scan" tab§§The "Range from" drop-down list provides access to the list of the last 20 ranges analyzed. TXT_ASTUCE_02="Scan" tab§§It is possible to promote certain items in the "Range from" drop-down list to "favorite". To do this, when said list is expanded, place the mouse pointer on the desired element and press the [*] key.§§The element will then be placed at the very top of the list (marked with a star) and will no longer be exposed to deletion.§§Perform the same operation to remove the favorite status from one of the elements. TXT_ASTUCE_03="Scan" tab§§When launching the application, the first item (favorite, if applicable) in the "Range from" list is selected by default. TXT_ASTUCE_04="Scan" tab§§It is possible to set the "Local network link" item as a favorite. TXT_ASTUCE_05="Scan" tab§§Instead of a start and end address, it is possible to enter a "cidr". Ex.: TXT_ASTUCE_06="Scan" tab§§It is possible to give an alias to an item in the "Range from" list.§§To do this, when said list is expanded, place the mouse pointer on the desired element and press the [F2] key.§§This label will then be displayed in the list, in parentheses, to the right of the range. TXT_ASTUCE_07="Scan" tab§§It is possible to stop the analysis by clicking on the "Stop" button.§§It is then possible to resume the analysis using the "Resume analysis" option in the context menu which appears when hovering over the "Analyze" button. TXT_ASTUCE_08="Scan" tab§§By default, the scan displays the list of addresses that respond to PING.§§It is possible, via the "View" drop-down list, to display the list of all the addresses analyzed or, on the contrary, to limit it to the machines which have returned information. TXT_ASTUCE_09="Search by NetBIOS name" tab§§Performs a scan based on the specified name, or on the specified address if applicable. TXT_ASTUCE_10="Search by DNS name" tab§§Performs an analysis on the address obtained by the prior resolution of the specified name, or on the specified address if applicable. TXT_ASTUCE_11="Trace route" tab§§Performs an analysis of all addresses leading to the specified machine (after possible name resolution if necessary). TXT_ASTUCE_12="Fleet tracking" tab§§Performs an analysis on a list of addresses (not necessarily contiguous) or defined machines.§§Values changed from the previous analysis are shown on a pink background. TXT_ASTUCE_13="Fleet tracking" tab§§The analysis does not necessarily relate to the IP address. The selected radio button (see above the list) will be used for the search. TXT_ASTUCE_14=All tabs§§By default, the scan will attempt to determine the network adapter manufacturer name based on the discovered MAC address.§§This is thanks to a reference file that must be updated from time to time.§§See the "List of network adapter manufacturers" entry in the "Tools" menu, which also offers the possibility of adding items to a personal list. TXT_ASTUCE_15=All tabs§§It is possible to use the "Comment" column to enter information that will be associated with the MAC address.§§Therefore, regardless of the tab used, the analysis will display comments related to the discovered MAC addresses. TXT_ASTUCE_16=Comments§§The "List of comments/MAC addresses" entry in the "Tools" menu allows you to view/modify the list of stored comments. TXT_ASTUCE_17=All tabs§§Right-clicking on an item in the result list offers many possibilities to explore. TXT_ASTUCE_18="Fleet tracking" tab§§Adding machines to the list can be done in several ways:§§ - either by right-clicking then "Send to tab" in the context menu appearing when right-clicking on a resulting element from another analysis§§ - either by a paste operation (combination [CTRL+V]) of previously copied information§§ - or by inserting manually entered addresses (after pressing the [Insert] key). TXT_ASTUCE_19="Fleet tracking" tab§§When pasting information, a search for duplicates is carried out, it concerns the IP address. TXT_ASTUCE_20=Miscellaneous§§It is possible to delete entries from the "Range from" ("Scan" tab) and "Fleet file" ("Fleet tracking" tab) drop-down lists.§§To do this, when said list is expanded, place the mouse pointer on the desired element and press the [Delete] key. TXT_ASTUCE_21=Columns§§It is possible, via the application configuration window, to reorganize, hide and also add columns. TXT_ASTUCE_22=Columns§§Adding columns allows you to retrieve additional information regarding remote machines.§§This information can be extracted from the registry, WMI classes or SNMP OIDs (these first two sources being reserved for remote machines under Windows) as long as this information is accessible to the user who launched Dipiscan.§§Consult the Dipisoft website FAQ for more information. TXT_ASTUCE_23=Columns§§It is also possible to add "manual entry" type columns which can be used to enter information manually.§§These columns only concern the "Fleet tracking" tab. TXT_ASTUCE_24=Customized commands§§Depending on the user's needs, it is possible to enrich the context menu that appears when right-clicking on the result of an analysis. TXT_ASTUCE_25=Custom commands§§They allow you to execute a DOS command, a script or any third-party tool, optionally passing parameters relating to the selected machine. TXT_ASTUCE_26=Remote wake-up§§The application includes wake-up functions on a local network (WOL) or via the internet (WOW) accessible from the "WakeOnLan features" entry in the context menu. TXT_ASTUCE_27=Shutdown/restart§§It is also possible, from the "WakeOnLan features" entry in the context menu, to shutdown, restart, hibernate (and more) remote machines.§§However, these features are reserved for remote machines running Windows and require that the user who launched Dipiscan have sufficient rights.§§Consult the Dipisoft website FAQ for more information. TXT_ASTUCE_28=Command line mode§§A scan module is also available for use in command line mode: this is DipiscanBatch.exe which is located in the Dipiscan folder.§§Run it with the argument /? to display its usage syntax accompanied by examples. TXT_ATTENTE_RÉPONSE=Waiting answer from {0} TXT_ATTENTE_TEMPO=Waiting for {0} ms TXT_BRIN_RÉSEAU_LOCAL=Local network TXT_COLONNE_REGISTRE_CLÉ=Key TXT_COLONNE_REGISTRE_VALEUR=Value TXT_COLONNE_SNMP_COMMUNAUTÉ=Community TXT_COLONNE_SNMP_OID=Oid TXT_COLONNE_WMI_ATTRIBUT=Attribute TXT_COLONNE_WMI_CLASSE=Class TXT_COMMANDES_BUREAU_À_DISTANCE=Take control\with the remote desktop TXT_COMMANDES_GÉRER_ORDINATEUR=Manage computer TXT_COMMANDES_OUVRIR_NAVIGATEUR=Open in explorer TXT_COMMANDES_SERVICES=Services TXT_COMMANDES_UTILISATEURS_ET_GROUPES=Users and groups TXT_CONTENU_FICHIER=List of addresses/ranges contained in a file... TXT_COPIER_TOUT=Copy all TXT_CRITÈRE_WMI_SANS_WHERE=< Do not specify the "where" keyword > TXT_ÉLÉMENTS={0} item(s) TXT_FERMER=Close TXT_FICHIERS_PARC=Fleet files TXT_FICHIERS_TEXTE=Text files TXT_FICHIERS_TOUS=All files TXT_INFORMATIONS_REG_BUILD_OS=OS Build TXT_INFORMATIONS_REG_DERNIER_UTILISATEUR_COMPTE=Last user (login) TXT_INFORMATIONS_REG_DERNIER_UTILISATEUR_NOM=Last user (name) TXT_INFORMATIONS_REG_RELEASE_OS=OS Release TXT_INFORMATIONS_SNMP_CONTACT=Contact TXT_INFORMATIONS_SNMP_DESCRIPTION=Description TXT_INFORMATIONS_SNMP_EMPLACEMENT=Location TXT_INFORMATIONS_SNMP_NOM=Name TXT_INFORMATIONS_SNMP_UPTIME=Uptime TXT_INFORMATIONS_WMI_ARCHITECTURE_OS=OS architecture TXT_INFORMATIONS_WMI_ÉDITION_OS=OS edition TXT_INFORMATIONS_WMI_MARQUE=Mark TXT_INFORMATIONS_WMI_MÉMOIRE_INSTALLÉE=Installed memory TXT_INFORMATIONS_WMI_MÉMOIRE_UTILISABLE=Usable memory TXT_INFORMATIONS_WMI_MODÈLE=Model TXT_INFORMATIONS_WMI_NB_PROCESSEURS_LOGIQUES=No. logic. proc. TXT_INFORMATIONS_WMI_NB_PROCESSEURS_PHYSIQUES=No. phys. proc. TXT_INFORMATIONS_WMI_PROCESSEUR=Processor TXT_INFORMATIONS_WMI_VINT=Network interface speed TXT_INITIALISATION=Initialization... TXT_INITIALISATION_EN_COURS=Initialization in progress, please wait... TXT_LISTE_ADRESSES=List of addresses TXT_LISTE_DE_MACHINES=List of addresses, ranges or hostnames TXT_OUVRIR_TOUS_PARTAGES=Open all shares TXT_PLAGE_À=to TXT_PLAGE_DE=from TXT_PRET=Ready TXT_PROGRESSION={0} out of {1}, which is {2}% TXT_SÉLECTIONNER_FICHIER_À_LIRE=Select file to read... TXT_SPÉCIFIER_FICHIER_À_ENREGISTRER=Specify the file name to save... TXT_SPÉCIFIER_FICHIER_À_EXPORTER=Specify the file name to export... TXT_TERMINÉ=Finished TXT_TRAITEMENT_LANCÉ_DEPUIS=Operation started since TXT_TRAITEMENT_RESTE_ENVIRON=Remains approximately {0} TXT_TRAITEMENT_TEMPS_RESTANT_INDÉTERMINÉ=Time remaining unknown frmAdressesPlagesNoms=List of IP addresses/ranges/names lblVeuillezSaisir=Please enter a list of IP addresses, ranges or machine names to analyze, separated by a carriage return, a comma or a semicolon. frmAProposDe=About Dipiscan btnMerci=Thank you! lblEmail=eMail: lblWww=Www: rtbInfos=[[This software is designed to quickly and easily perform network searches that can be performed using well known DOS commands (PING, NBTSTAT, ARP, NSLOOKUP and TRACERT) but impractical to implement for the average user. It is thus possible to:
  • • scan IP ranges, • retrieve information from a machine from its IP address, NetBIOS name or DNS, • find the network "road" taken to get another machine, • monitor a machine fleet and see the changes since the last scan.
  • Note that this software is distributed as total freeware, which means it is 100% free both for personal and professional use, like all software offered by Dipisoft...
    A big thank to the beta testers who participated in the development of this tool, in alphabetical order:
  • • Alain B. • Arnaud B. • Bernard P. • Bruno C. • David "Davidoff" D. // thank you buddy for all this time spent! ;) • Roland J.
  • Translated by Damien with the help of Google Translate.
    ]] frmAstuces=Tips of the day btnPrécédente=Previous btnSuivante=Next chkNePlusAfficher=Do not show tips at startup frmConfiguration=Configuration btnColActiver=<- Enable btnColAjouter=Add... btnColDésactiver=Disable -> btnColDescendre=Down btnColModifier=Modify... btnColMonter=Up btnColSupprimer=Remove btnColSupprimerInactives=Remove btnComAjouter=Add... btnComDescendre=Down btnComModifier=Modify... btnComMonter=Up btnComSupprimer=Remove btnGenADTester=Test btnRétablir=Restore the default values (current tab) chkAnaEmulerAnalyseMachineLocale=Emulate NetBIOS for the analysis of the local machine (necessary under W10 especially, otherwise the analysis is unsuccessful) chkAnaRemonterEnDébutDeListe=At the end of the analysis, select and display the first element of the list chkAnaInclurePartagesAdministratifs=Include administrative shares chkAnaInclurePartagesSpéciaux=Include special shares (admin$, ipc$, print$ and prnproc$) chkAnaNePasRetournerAdresseMACSiIdentiquePasserelle=Do not return the MAC address if it matches with the gateway (returned by some routers) chkAnaNePlusAfficherBilanAnalyse=Do not show the summary at the end of the analysis chkAnaNePlusAfficherExplicationTimeout=Do not show explanation for exceeding the time of analysis (timeout) chkAnaNePlusProposerMàjOUI=Do not prompt to update the list of network adapters when an unknown manufacturer met chkAnaPingAlternatif=In case of no reply to the PING, test port chkAnaRésoudreSiNonRéponse=Also resolve IP addresses that do not reply to PING chkAnaRésoudreUtilisateur=Try to resolve the user name (see "Access" tab to configure access to ActiveDirectory) chkAnaUtiliserDeuxPointsAdresseMAC=Represent MAC addresses with ":" as separator instead of "-" chkAnaVérifierAccessibilitéPartages=Only list the available shares chkAnaViderListe=Empty the list before each search ("Fleet tracking" tab not concerned) chkGenNePlusAfficherAstuces=Do not show tips at startup chkGenNePlusVérifierMisesÀJourAuDémarrage=Do not check for more recent version availability at startup chkGenNePlusProposerTéléchargementOUI=Do not prompt to download the list of network adapter manufacturers in its absence chkGenProxyBypassSiEchec=If the connection through the proxy fails, try the "direct connection" mode chkSpeParcConserverUtilisateur=When the analysis of a machine does not return a user login (no open session, for example), keep the previous value chkSpeParcMémoriserTri=Remember the column on which sorting is performed cmnuRétablirTout=Restore the default values for all tabs colActives=Enabled columns colActivesID=Id colAuthentifier=Authenticate colCommande=Command colInactives=Disabled columns colInactivesID=Id colNom=Display name colRegrouper=Gather grpAnaTimeout=Timeout grpGenAD=Configuring access to ActiveDirectory grpGenDivers=Misc grpGenDist=Configuring access to remote stations grpGenProxy=Configuring access to Internet grpSpeParc=Fleet tracking grpSpeWOL=Wake on local network (WOL) grpSpeWOW=Wake on Internet (WOW) lblAnaConditionRésolution=IP addresses resolution condition lblAnaDélaiEntreThreads=Delay between two analyzes lblAnaDélaiEntreThreadsMs=ms. lblAnaMéthodeRécupérationAdresseMAC=MAC address retrieval method lblAnaMéthodeRécupérationPartages=Shares retrieval method lblAnaMéthodeRécupérationUtilisateur=User retrieval method lblAnaMéthodeRécupérationVersionEtDescription=OS version and description retrieval method lblAnaTraitementColonnesPersonnaliséesWMI=Processing custom columns (WMI and registry) lblAnaNbMaxPings=Maximum number of PING for each analysis lblAnaNbThreads=Maximum number of threads to use simultaneously lblAnaTimeoutGénéral=Analysis lblAnaTimeoutGénéralS=s. lblAnaTimeoutNETBIOS=NetBIOS lblAnaTimeoutNETBIOSms=ms. lblAnaTimeoutPING=PING lblAnaTimeoutPINGms=ms. lblAnaTimeoutWMI=WMI lblAnaTimeoutWMIMS=ms. lblColInfo=The left list contains the columns that will be displayed in the result of the analysis. If some columns do not useful, disable them by moving them to the right list. It is also possible to add columns but do not forget that there will be more information to be extracted during the analysis, the more this will take time.§§Columns in bold are not skippable; those in italics are only visible in the "Fleet tracking" tab. lblComInfo=You can add here custom commands that appear in the menu displayed by right clicking on the machines in the main window. lblGenADDomaine=Domain lblGenADInfo=This account is used to resolve user (login -> full name) on remote stations. This feature is useful only if remote stations are in a domain (not in workgroup). lblGenADUtilisateur=Login lblGenADMotDePasse=Password lblGenDistDomaine=Domain lblGenDistInfo=This account is used to access remote computers information: OS version, list of shares, access to them, etc. lblGenDistUtilisateur=Login lblGenDistMotDePasse=Password lblGenInformationWmiSysInfos=Information to transmit to WmiSysInfos lblGenProxyAdresse=Proxy address lblGenProxyUtilisateur=Login lblGenProxyMode=Mode lblGenProxyMotDePasse=Password lblGenProxyPort=Port lblSpeInfoWOW=The wake functionality via the Internet (WOW) is possible through the use of a script hosted on a website. By default, this is the one hosted on Dipisoft.com is used. If you wish, you can specify the address of your own script or even install the Dipisoft script (download from the author's website) in your own web host. lblSpeWolAdresseRepli=In case of failure to determine the broadcast address, use the following fallback address lblSpeWolDélaiEntreRéveils=Delay between two awakenings lblSpeWolDélaiEntreRéveilsMs=ms. lblSpeWolMasque=Mask lblSpeWolPort=Port lblSpeWowDélaiEntreRéveils=Delay between two awakenings lblSpeWowDélaiEntreRéveilsMs=ms. lblSpeWowPort=Port lblSpeWOWUrlInfo=Use the variables %IP%, %MAC% and %PORT% to transmit the values to the script. optGenADCompte=This computer is not in the domain, or it is but I want to use the following account: optGenADSession=This computer is in the domain and I want to use the session account optGenDistCompte=Use the following account: optGenDistSession=Use the actual session account optSpeWowDipisoft=Default script (hosted on Dipisoft.com) optSpeWowUrl=Script url tabAnalyses=Analysis tabColonnes=Columns tabCommandesPersonnalisées=Custom commands tabGénéral=General tabParamètresSpécifiques=Parameters specific to certain modules TXT_INFORMATION_WMISYSINFOS_IP=IP address TXT_INFORMATION_WMISYSINFOS_NETBIOS=NetBIOS name TXT_INFORMATION_WMISYSINFOS_DNS=DNS name TXT_CONNEXION_SYSTÈME=According to the system configuration TXT_CONNEXION_DIRECTE=Direct connection TXT_CONNEXION_PROXY=Proxy connection TXT_CONDITION_RÉSOLUTION_IP_NON=< Do not retrieve this information > TXT_CONDITION_RÉSOLUTION_IP_ADRESSES_PUBLIQUES_UNIQUEMENT=Public addresses only TXT_CONDITION_RÉSOLUTION_IP_ADRESSES_PUBLIQUES_ET_PRIVÉES_SI_DOMAINE=Public and private addresses if this computer is in domain TXT_CONDITION_RÉSOLUTION_IP_ADRESSES_PRIVÉES_SI_DOMAINE=Private addresses if this computer is in area TXT_CONDITION_RÉSOLUTION_IP_ADRESSES_PRIVÉES_UNIQUEMENT=Private addresses only TXT_CONDITION_RÉSOLUTION_IP_TOUJOURS=Always TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_MAC_NON=< Do not retrieve this information > TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_MAC_NBTSTAT=NBTSTAT only TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_MAC_NBTSTAT_ARP=NBTSTAT then ARP (when NBTSTAT failed) TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_MAC_ARP=ARP only TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_UTILISATEUR_NON=< Do not retrieve this information > TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_UTILISATEUR_NETBIOS=NetBIOS only TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_UTILISATEUR_NETBIOS_WMI=NetBIOS then WMI (when NetBIOS failed) TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_UTILISATEUR_WMI_NETBIOS=WMI then NetBIOS (when WMI failed) TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_UTILISATEUR_WMI=WMI only TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_VERSION_DESCRIPTION_NON=< Do not retrieve this information > TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_VERSION_DESCRIPTION_API=API only TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_VERSION_DESCRIPTION_API_WMI=API then WMI (when API failed) TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_VERSION_DESCRIPTION_WMI_API=WMI then API (when WMI failed) TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_VERSION_DESCRIPTION_WMI=WMI only TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_PARTAGES_NON=< Do not retrieve this information > TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_PARTAGES_API=API only TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_PARTAGES_API_WMI=API then WMI (when API failed) TXT_MÉTHODE_RÉCUPÉRATION_PARTAGES_WMI=WMI only TXT_TRAITEMENT_COLONNES_PERSONNALISÉES_WMI_SI_VERSION=Only if the OS version has been determined TXT_TRAITEMENT_COLONNES_PERSONNALISÉES_WMI_TOUJOURS=Always (not recommended) frmColonnePersonnalisée=Custom column chkTotaliser=If the result consists of several numeric values, add them instead of concatenating them (display "8" instead of "4, 4", for example) grpTraitementsNumériques=Postprocessing of digital results (WMI only) lblAlignement=Alignment lblAttributOuValeurOuOid=Attribute lblClasseOuCléOuCommunauté=Class lblCoefficient=Coefficient lblColonnePersonnaliséeId=Id lblColonnePersonnaliséeInfo=Select a predefined information listed below and/or fill in the fields to create/change a column.§§The Id field is the identifier of the column, it must be unique. It can be used in custom commands, for example, where he will spend in setting the contents of a column. It can also be used with the /ic argument of DipiscanBatch.§§According to their nature "orphan", columns whose source is set to "Manual entry" are visible only in the tab "Fleet tracking". lblCritèreWmi=WMI criteria (optional) lblDécimales=Decimal lblEspaceDeNomWmi=WMI namespace lblInformationsPrédéfinies=Predefined information lblLargeur=Column width lblLargeurPx=px lblSource=Source lblTypeTri=Sort type optCoefficientDiviseur=Divider optCoefficientMultiplicateur=Multiplier TXT_ALIGNEMENT_CENTRÉ=Center TXT_ALIGNEMENT_DROITE=Right TXT_ALIGNEMENT_GAUCHE=Left TXT_TRI_ALPHA=Alphanumeric TXT_TRI_NUM=Numeric TXT_TRI_NUMDEB=Numeric start (followed by a space then an alphanumeric string) TXT_TRI_DATE=Date TXT_TRI_IP=IP address TXT_SOURCE_REGISTRE=Registry TXT_SOURCE_SAISIE_MANUELLE=Manual entry TXT_SOURCE_SAISIE_MANUELLE_LIÉE_IP=Manual entry (linked to IP address) TXT_SOURCE_SAISIE_MANUELLE_LIÉE_MAC=Manual entry (linked to MAC address) TXT_SOURCE_SAISIE_MANUELLE_LIÉE_NOM_NETBIOS=Manuel entry (linked to NetBIOS name) TXT_SOURCE_SNMP=Snmp TXT_SOURCE_WMI=Wmi frmCommandePersonnalisée=Custom command chkAuthentifier=Requires authentication on the remote machine chkRegrouper=Group execution on multiple selections lblCommande=Command to execute lblCommandePersonnaliséeInfo=It is possible to group multiple commands in the same sub-menu using the syntax "submenu name\command name". You can also create a separator by putting a dash (minus sign) in the command name, the second field must be empty.§§When the checkbox "Group execution..." is checked, the order will be executed once even if multiple machines are selected. However the specified parameter (%IP%, %HOST% or %FQDN%, for example) of each machine will be passed as a parameter. lblCommandePersonnaliséeNom=Name (contextual menu) TXT_COMMANDE_PERSONNALISÉE_INFO=[[A custom command runs on the local system. However, it is possible to ask the remote machine to execute processing operations by, for example, calling tools such as PSEXEC or PAEXEC easily found on the Internet. Whether it is a "local" or "remote" action, the executable (or script) to be launched must be specified in the "Command" field, usually accompanied by parameters. In particular, these parameters allow you to specify the machine concerned, for example by using the variable %IP% which will be replaced on the fly at the time of execution of the command. The contents of each column can be used as a parameter, specifying the ID (whose list is accessible in the "Custom Columns" tab) of the column surrounded by "%". Examples: %IP%, %HOST%, %FQDN%, %_ARCH%, etc... Note that %MAC_SS% can be used instead of %MAC% if you need to transmit the MAC address without separator. It is also possible to refer to one and only one "special variable" in the parameters whose value will be entered by the user when the command is executed (via a dedicated window). To do this, use the syntax {{Question to display}}. See the last example. Finally, consider double-quoting variables that may contain spaces or other special characters. Example 1 - Restart the remote machine: • shutdown.exe /m \\%ip% -r -t 0 Example 2 - Ask the remote machine to restart: • psexec.exe \\%ip% shutdown.exe -r -t 0 Example 3 - Display the contents of a remote file: • notepad.exe "\\%ip%\c$\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis\osver.txt" Example 4 - Empty and delete a remote folder: • cmd.exe /c rmdir /s /q "\\%ip%\d$\temp" Example 5 - Launch a local VBScript script by passing the IP address and the machine name to argues: • wscript.exe "c:\temp\check.vbs" %ip% %host% Example 6 - Run a local Powershell script: • powershell.exe -File ".\Scripts\update.ps1" -ip %ip% Example 7 - Ask the remote machine to display a message that will be entered interractively when executing the command: • psexec.exe \\%ip% msg.exe * /time: 10 "{{Please enter message to display}}"]] ;frmDipiscan btnDnsAnalyser=Analyze btnDnsExporter=Export btnNetBiosAnalyser=Analyze btnNetBiosExporter=Export btnParcAnalyser=Analyze btnParcEnregistrer=Save btnParcParcourir=… btnScanAnalyser=Analyze btnScanExporter=Export btnTraceRouteAnalyser=Analyze btnTraceRouteExporter=Export cmnuExporterExportAvancé=Export (advanced mode)... cmnuMachineAgir=WakeOnLan features cmnuMachineAgirAnnulerRedémarrageExtinction=Cancel restart/shutdown cmnuMachineAgirEteindre=Shutdown... cmnuMachineAgirEteindreWMI=Shutdown (WMI) cmnuMachineAgirFermerLaSessionWMI=Close session (WMI) cmnuMachineAgirMettreEnVeilleProlongéeWMI=Hibernate (WMI) cmnuMachineAgirRedémarrer=Restart... cmnuMachineAgirRedémarrerWMI=Restart (WMI) cmnuMachineAgirRéveillerWOL=Wake up (WOL) cmnuMachineAgirRéveillerWOW=Wake up via Internet (WOW) cmnuMachineAgirVerrouillerLaSessionWMI=Lock session (WMI) cmnuMachineAjouter=Add an address cmnuMachineAnalyserAPartirDeCePoint=Analyze from that point cmnuMachineAnalyserLaSélection=Analyze selection cmnuMachineColler=Paste cmnuMachineCopier=Copy cmnuMachineEnvoyerMessage=Send a message... cmnuMachineEnvoyerVersOnglet=Send to tab cmnuMachineOuvrirDansExplorateur=Open in explorer cmnuMachineOuvrirPartageMain=Open a share cmnuMachineQuickUserInfos=User information (with QuickUserInfos) cmnuMachineRéAnalyserLaSélection=Re-analyze the selection cmnuMachineScannerLaPlage=Scan the range whose address depends cmnuMachineSupprimer=Remove cmnuMachineVider=Empty cmnuMachineWmiSysInfos=Machine information (with WmiSysInfos) cmnuParcAnalyserAnalyserAnalyseComplète=Analyze (full analysis) cmnuParcAnalyserAnalyserAnalysePartielle=Analyze (partial analysis: without custom column information) cmnuParcAnalyserAnalyserAnalyseMinimale=Analyze (minimal analysis: ping only) cmnuParcAnalyserAnalyseParDéfaut=Default analysis cmnuParcAnalyserAnalyseParDéfautComplète=Full analysis cmnuParcAnalyserAnalyseParDéfautPartielle=Partial analysis: without custom column information cmnuParcAnalyserAnalyseParDéfautMinimale=Minimal analysis: ping only cmnuParcAnalyserAnalyserAPartirDeCePoint=Analyze from that point cmnuParcAnalyserAnalyserLaSélection=Analyze selection cmnuParcFondAjouter=Add an address cmnuParcFondColler=Paste cmnuParcEnregistrerEnregistrerSous=Save as... cmnuParcEnregistrerExporterAvancé=Export (advanced mode)... cmnuScanAnalyserAnalyserAnalyseComplète=Analyze (full analysis) cmnuScanAnalyserAnalyserAnalysePartielle=Analyze (partial analysis: without custom column information) cmnuScanAnalyserAnalyserAnalyseMinimale=Analyze (minimal analysis: ping only) cmnuScanAnalyserAnalyseParDéfaut=Default analysis cmnuScanAnalyserAnalyseParDéfautComplète=Full analysis cmnuScanAnalyserAnalyseParDéfautPartielle=Partial analysis: without custom column information cmnuScanAnalyserAnalyseParDéfautMinimale=Minimal analysis: ping only cmnuScanAnalyserRéAnalyserLaSélection=Re-analyze the selection cmnuScanAnalyserReprendreAnalyse=Resume analysis cmnuSystrayQuitter=Quit cmnuSystrayRestaurer=Restore lblDnsAdresseOuNom=IP address or name (NetBIOS or DNS) lblNetBiosAdresseOuNom=IP address or name (NetBIOS or DNS) lblParcNomFichier=Filename lblParcRéférence=Reference for analysis lblScanA=To lblScanAffichage=View lblScanDe=Range from lblTraceRouteAdresseOuNom=IP address or name (NetBIOS or DNS) mnuAide=&? mnuAideAProposDe=&About... mnuAideAstuces=&Tips of the day... mnuAideRechercheMàJ=Check for an &update... mnuEdition=&Edit mnuEditionRechercher=&Search... mnuEditionRechercherPrécédent=&Previous mnuEditionRechercherSuivant=&Next mnuFichier=&File mnuFichierQuitter=&Quit mnuOptions=O&ptions mnuOptionsConfiguration=&Configuration... mnuOptionsLangue=Language mnuOptionsMémoriserColonnes=Remember column &widths mnuOptionsMémoriserPosition=Remember window &position mnuOptionsMémoriserTaille=Remember window &size mnuOptionsMinimiserSystray=&Minimize to systray mnuOptionsTaillePolice=&Font size mnuOptionsToujoursAuDessus=Window always on &top mnuOutils=&Tools mnuOutilsCommentaires=List of &comments/MAC addresses... mnuOutilsFabricants=List of network adapter &manufacturers... mnuOutilsValeursLiées=List of linked &values... optParcRéférenceDNS=DNS name optParcRéférenceIP=IP address optParcRéférenceNetBIOS=NetBIOS name tabDns=Search by DNS name tabNetBios=Search by NetBIOS name tabParc=Fleet tracking tabRoute=Trace route tabScan=Scan tslblAvancement=... tslblEnAttente=... tslblNbMachines=... tslblOpération=... TXT_MODE_AFFICHAGE_RÉPONSE=Show only machines that reply TXT_MODE_AFFICHAGE_INFORMATION=Show only machines that return information TXT_MODE_AFFICHAGE_PARTAGE=Show only machines with share(s) TXT_MODE_AFFICHAGE_TOUT=View all machines, including those that do not reply frmEditionCommentaireOuValeurLiée=Comment/MAC address lblValeur=Value lblValeurRéférence=Reference value frmEditionFabricantPers=Manufacturer lblEditionFabricantPersId=Id (first 6 characters of the MAC address) lblEditionFabricantPersNom=Manufacturer name frmEnvoyerMessage=Send a message lblDestinataires=Recipient(s) lblNom=Message frmExportAvancé=Advanced export lblFichier=File lblColonnes=Columns grpMiseEnForme=Data formatting lblSéparateur=Separator optTabulation=Tabulation optPointVirgule=Semicolon optVirgule=Comma optEspace=Space optPipe=Pipe optAutre=Other chkDoubleQuoter=Surround the values with double-quotes chkInclureEntête=Include column names in the first row lblAperçu=Overview MSG_ÉCRASER_FICHIER_EXISTANT=The file "{0}" already exists.§§Do you want to replace it? frmImportFichierTexte=Import text file lblImportationFichierTexteInfo=The file you are about to import is not a fleet file, so you will have to specify the import parameters: separator character, columns to take into account and the first line to import.§§Click in the head of each column (from the list below) that you want to import to indicate, via the contextual menu that will appear, in which column of the "fleet tracking" tab its content should be placed. For the import to be possible, you must at least indicate one of the IP, NetBIOS name or DNS name columns). lblImporterAPartirDeLaLigne=Import from the line cmnuMappingColonneNonMappée=< column not taken into account > TXT_IMPORTATION_LIGNE=Line frmInputBox=Entering a parameter frmListeCommentaires=List of comments/MAC addresses frmListeFabricants=List of network adapter manufacturers colFabricant=Manufacturer colFabricantPers=Manufacturer colId=Id colIdPers=Id lblFabricants=Official list (based on http://standards-oui.ieee.org/oui.txt) lblFabricantsPers=Personal list lklMàjListe=Update frmListeValeursLiées=List of linked values colColonne=Column colColonneLiée=Linked column colValeur=Value colValeurLiée=Linked value frmNomPlage=Name of range frmRecherche=Search btnPrécédent=Previous btnSuivant=Next lblChercher=Search frmRedémarrageExtinction=Restart/shutdown chkForcerFermeture=Force closing applications lblDélai=Delay before restart/shutdown lblDélai2=s. lblMessage=Message to display for connected user: frmSélectionRéseau=Network selection lblSélectionRéseauInfo=You are currently connected to several networks, please select the one you want to analyze. ;colAdresseIP=IP adress colMasque=Mask colAdresseDébut=Start address colAdresseFin=End address colAdresseIPPasserelle=Gateway frmTraitementEnCours=Task in progress btnArrêterFermer=Stop MSG_AIDE=[[Usage: DipiscanBatch [/s] [/i] [/cp] [/pu | /at] [/tp] [/tn] [/tw] [/ps] [/pa] [/lp] [/se] [/o] [/sep] [/dq] Options: /s[:address_or_range] : IPv4 address or range of IP addresses to scan. In the absence of value, the application analyzes the range corresponding to the IP address of the machine. See examples at the end of this help. /i:information : String specifying the list of information to display. Default setting to "{0}" but here is the list of possible values: - i : ip address - t : response time - c : computername - n : dns name - d : domain - u : user - m : mac address - f : network card manufacturer - s : server (y/n) - o : OS version - k : description - p : nomber of shares - r : comment To view all of the information, it is possible to use the value "all". /cp:custom columns : identifiers of custom columns to display, separated by a comma but without space. /pu : Show only machines exhibiting at least one share. /at : Show all the addresses analyzed while, by default, only those that respond are. /lp : Display list of shares. /ps : Consider special shares. /pa : Consider the accessible shares only. /tp:delay : PING timeout (expressed in milliseconds). Taken in the configuration file if missing. /tn:delay : NBTSTAT timeout (expressed in milliseconds).Taken in the configuration file if missing. /tw:delay : WMI timeout (expressed in milliseconds). Taken in the configuration file if missing. /se : Display neither the header nor the summary at the end of operation. /o:filename : Output directed to the specified file instead of the console. /sep:separator : Character to use to separate information. Surround with double quotes if it is a special character. For a tabulation, use the value "\t". /dq : Surround the values with double-quotes. Examples : DipiscanBatch /s /i:itpr /cp:_arc,_rel,_bld /lp /ps DipiscanBatch /s: DipiscanBatch /s: /o:dipisoft.csv /sep:"|" DipiscanBatch /s: DipiscanBatch /s: /tp:100 /at DipiscanBatch /s: /tp:100 /i:ip /pu DipiscanBatch /s: /tp:100 /i:all]] MSG_ERREUR_CRÉATION_FLUX=Error encountered when creating output stream: {0} MSG_PARAMÈTRE_AIDE=Use the /? parameter for the complete syntax of {0}. MSG_PARAMÈTRE_INCONNU=The {0} parameter is unknown. MSG_PARAMÈTRE_INCORRECT=Invalid parameter format for {0}, {1}. MSG_PARAMÈTRE_PA_PS_SANS_PARTAGES=The {0} parameter can not be used if the shares are not displayed. MSG_PARAMÈTRE_PU_AT_EXCLUSIFS=The /pu and /at parameters can not be used together. MSG_PRESSEZ_ENTRER_POUR_FERMER=Press the [Enter] key to close the window. TXT_ANALYSE_RÉPONSE_ABSENTE=# No answer # TXT_ANALYSE_RÉPONSE_NON_NETBIOS=# Not NetBIOS # TXT_BILAN_ADRESSES_ANALYSÉES=Addresses analyzed: TXT_BILAN_AFFICHÉES=displayed: TXT_BILAN_FIN=End of analysis: TXT_BILAN_RÉPONSES=answers: TXT_BILAN_TEMPS_TRAITEMENT=process: TXT_COMPLÉMENT_ADRESSE_FIN_INFÉRIEURE=the end address may not be less than the start address TXT_COMPLÉMENT_AUCUNE_VALEUR_ATTENDUE=no value is expected TXT_COMPLÉMENT_CONFIGURATION_RÉSEAU_NON_DÉTERMINÉE=the network configuration of the machine could not be determined TXT_COMPLÉMENT_FORMAT_ATTENDU=the display format is expected TXT_COMPLÉMENT_IP_OU_PLAGE_INCORRECTE=the value must be an IPv4 address or a range TXT_COMPLÉMENT_MASQUE_INCORRECT=the mask value is incorrect TXT_COMPLÉMENT_MASQUE_MINIMUM=in command line mode, the minimum value of the mask is set to 16 TXT_COMPLÉMENT_NOM_FICHIER_SORTIE_ATTENDU=the name of the output file is expected TXT_COMPLÉMENT_SÉPARATEUR_ATTENDU=the separator character is expected TXT_COMPLÉMENT_VALEUR_NUMÉRIQUE=an integer value is expected TXT_COMPLÉMENT_VALEURS_NON_AUTORISÉES=the following values are not allowed: {0} TXT_PRÉANALYSE_À_ANALYSER=to analyze: TXT_PRÉANALYSE_ADRESSE=Address TXT_PRÉANALYSE_DÉBUT=Start analysis: TXT_PRÉANALYSE_PLAGE=Range TXT_PRÉANALYSE_PLUSIEURS_RÉSEAUX=Several networks have been detected, specify the one you want to analyze§by the /s parameter. btnOK=OK btnAnnuler=Cancel MSG_ATTENTION_BÊTA=Attention, beta version !!! MSG_CHAMP_NON_RENSEIGNÉ=The {0} field must be completed. MSG_ERREUR_RENCONTRÉE=An error was encountered: {0} MSG_FICHIER_LANGUE_NON_TROUVÉ=Language file not found. MSG_FICHIER_LANGUE_NON_CONFORME=Non-compliant language file. MSG_FICHIER_LANGUE_TRADUCTION_AUTOMATIQUE=This is a machine translation, it is most certainly imperfect and I am sincerely sorry for it.§§If you wish, you can help improve it by correcting errors directly in the corresponding language file. It is located in the executable folder and has the extension .lng.§§Then, please send me the corrected file then so that I can make it available to everyone. You will find a link to contact me in the "{0}" window accessible from the "?" menu.§§Thank you in advance. TXT_ABANDONNER=Abort TXT_ANNULER=Cancel TXT_IGNORER=Ignore TXT_NON=No TXT_OK=OK TXT_OUI=Yes TXT_RECOMMENCER=Retry TXT_ABRÉVIATION_SECONDE=s. TXT_NE_PLUS_AFFICHER=Don't show this again TXT_NE_PLUS_DEMANDER=Don't ask me this again TXT_MAJ_CONNEXION_VIA=Login via {0} TXT_MAJ_INITIALISATION=Initialization TXT_MAJ_SAISIE_IDENTIFIANTS=Please authenticate using your Internet connection settings. TXT_MAJ_TÉLÉCHARGEMENT_AVANCEMENT=Downloaded: {0}KB on {1}KB, that is {2}% (about {3}) TXT_MAJ_TÉLÉCHARGEMENT_EN_COURS=Please wait, download in progress MSG_MAJ_ATTENTION_FICHIER_EXISTANT=Warning!§§The destination already contains a file "{0}" and its modification date is more recent than that of the file about to be extracted from the archive.§§Do you want to keep the current file? By answering negatively, it will be overwritten. MSG_MAJ_EFFECTUÉE=The update has been completed, the application will now close and restart. MSG_MAJ_ERREUR_EXTRACTION=Extraction of the following file(s) did not proceed correctly:§{0}§The downloaded archive may be corrupt, these files may be open, or the directory may be read-only.§§Close the application and try to perform the update manually by uncompressing the archive left for this purpose in the product folder. MSG_MAJ_ERREUR_RENOMMAGE=Unable to rename the executable: either it is locked by the system, or it is placed in a directory which requires an elevation of rights. Anyway, the tool can not self update. MSG_MAJ_ERREUR_TÉLÉCHARGEMENT=The file could not be downloaded.§§{0} MSG_MAJ_LOGICIEL_NON_RÉFÉRENCÉ=This software seems to be unknown from the version repository of the Dipisoft website. MSG_MAJ_RÉFÉRENTIEL_INDISPONIBLE=Unable to access the Dipisoft site repository.§§{0} MSG_MAJ_VERSION_DISPONIBLE=A newer version is available: v{0}§§Do you want to update now? MSG_MAJ_VERSION_DISPONIBLE_MAIS_INORMATIONS_NON_ENREGISTRÉES=A newer version is available: v{0}§§But the update can not be done automatically because information has not been saved since it was last modified. MSG_MAJ_VERSION_OFFICIELLE=You use the official version. MSG_MAJ_VERSION_SUPÉRIEURE=You are using a version higher than the official version.